I have neglected updating the page and my sincere apologies for being so busy with my regular job. I’m in the midst of trying to plan, take photos, and organize layout of several new sections to be added and I don’t want to make updates unless it is a meaningful improvement. Lots more information to come courtesy of new acquisitions and also browsing the collector forum at glocktalk.com. For those wanting a deep dive into the many many intricacies of collecting Glocks, I’m not aware of a better source for information. As an example: I was reading a thread on the various manuals that have been released over the years. The collector market for early manuals has taken off recently with numerous sales in excess of $1,000. But it would be important for an individual to educate themselves in regards to what manuals were printed, and especially what manual would be “correct” for the vintage Glock you are purchasing it for. Just with the March of 1988 dated manuals, there are FOUR different versions of picture combinations on the cover as well as versions with and without a light trigger warning stamp (specifically for the 17L).
The above picture shows the Gen 1 17L and one of the other subjects that becomes an interesting sub-category of Glock collecting. The loader in the picture is actually the THIRD different version of loader made! I’ll be expanding some of the info on the sight to try to highlight the smaller differences that can be found within each generation of guns. Looking forward to exploring all the possibilities with all of you!